

September 25-27, 2023

Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung

The Summer School „Advanced methods for the characterization of applied materials“ is intended for graduate students, PhD students and young scientists in geosciences, crystallography, solid-state research (chemistry, physics) and materials science. In the workshop, the fundamentals of a variety of advanced characterization techniques as well as their applications will be introduced. The scope of the characterization techniques ranges from the exploration on the local scale over the surface to bulk analysis and will include spectroscopic scattering as well as imaging techniques.

Furthermore, the participants will have the opportunity to discuss their own research in lightning talks or as posters.

Summer School Fees:
80 Euro students / post-docs (student member of DMG and DGK (except for students from Mülheim) are eligible for travel support to the amount of 50 Euro)
400 Euro for participants from industry
The fee covers the course materials, refreshments and lunch during the course and a barbecue.

The official language of the Summer School is English

Prof. Dr. Claudia Weidenthaler, Dr. Hilke Petersen